Take the Relationship Quiz

Wow! How? and Now

intentional marriage shaunti feldahn Mar 18, 2025
couple's picture loosely in a frame


Back in 2003, our counselor shared research that only 10 - 15% of marriages are truly happy. Wow! 

If 85 - 90% of marriages either stay together unfulfilled or end up in divorce, what does it look like to be in the 10 - 15%?

Some common reasons unfulfilled couples stay together are for the kids, financial dependency and/or religious reasons.  We seem to be intentional in our dating world but the energy of intentionality seems to wane once we are married.

We stay intentional with our careers by seeking out professional coaches and we hire personal trainers for our health. Why wouldn't we take the same approach with the most significant relationship in our life and go to counseling?


When Russ and I were considering marriage, our counselor asked us how we thought we could be in the 10 - 15%.  

The answer was and is intentionality. We must have a plan.  

Even if the aforementioned percentages are skewed, intentionality helps any marriage become more fulfilled. One of our pastors, Andy Stanley, shares in a message that "it takes a pulse to fall in love, but it takes a plan to stay in love". (reference: http://northpoint.org/messages/staying-in-love)


You can start today, right now, by being intentional:

  • Intentional with checking in with each other
  • Intentional with praying out loud with each other
  • Intentional with meeting your spouse's love language
  • Intentional by joining a married small group
  • Intentional reading a marriage book or attending a marriage seminar together

Like any goal, time and circumstances can thwart your best attempts, which is why we recommend doing life together by joining a small group. These relationships can encourage you when life hands you trials and difficulties. If you're local to Atlanta, consider joining Thrive, an 8-week small group that covers topics such as communication, conflict, forgiveness, and the effect your past has on your marriage.

Try one of the aforementioned suggestions. Which one sounds more appealing to start with?